
1 komentář

  1. Dear Domesticgoddess,I am so happy to find another paenrt who do not share the belief of „spare the rod and spoil the child“.I came across a thread in a forum, where many paenrts discussed about ways to hit a child that will cause him pain, but without leaving any marks. I was really sad when I read that thread.My kids are now 6 and 7 years old, I have not caned them before. I used the timed-out method and removal of privileges. Now they are well behaved kids who listen to my reasoning. They know that crying and throwing tantrums will not get them anything. Instead, when they want something, they ask in the sweetest voice and most polite manner 🙂 We want to raise kids who know what is good behaviour, and understand why they should not mis-behave. Spanking a child is not going to achieve this.

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